Effective since 2012 Alberta seniors (65 and older) now receive provincial coverage for chiropractic services as part of the Seniors Health Benefit Plan, sponsored by Alberta Health and administered by Alberta Blue Cross. Seniors enrolled in the provincial plan will receive coverage up to a limit of $25 per visit, to a maximum of $200 per benefit year (July 1 - June 30).
Seniors benefit from Chiropractic care in many ways. Chiropractic decreases pain in stiff muscles and joints, increases range of motion in areas of tightness and allows a method of treatment and pain relief without the use of prescription or over the counter medications. Many seniors may suspect that their aches and pains are just due to the aging process and the onset of arthritis - however, many of our senior patients have expressed their great surprise about how much their joint pain has decreased and how much better Chiropractic care makes them feel!