Your shoulder is a very complex joint. A properly functioning shoulder allows for optimal movement during reaching, pulling and pushing. The shoulder has the ability to move in a wide range of directions and planes. The ability for the shoulder to have such a wide range of motion unfortunately makes it more prone to injury. Commonly diagnosed shoulder injuries include rotator cuff tears or tendonitis, frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement and bursitis. Diagnosis of shoulder pain can be challenging for health practitioners and frustrating for you as a patient.
At The Chiropractic Wellness Studio, we frequently assess and treat patients who have shoulder pain. A skill unique to Doctors of Chiropractic is our ability to assess not only the soft tissue components of shoulder pain but the underlying bony joint dysfunction which may be present within the shoulder joint complex.
Functional Dry Needling and Shockwave Therapy are very effective treatments for Shoulder pain and when combined with Chiropractic adjustments can ameliorate your chronic shoulder pain.