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Hip Pain

Sacroiliac joint pain (SI joint pain) is one of the most common conditions that Doctors of Chiropractic diagnose and treat. 

The SI joints are located at the base of the lower back (near the low back dimples) between two adjoining parts of the pelvis; the sacrum and the ilium. The SI joints are found at the point where the sacrum and the ilium join to form the posterior aspect of the pelvis.

When describing SI joint pain, patients often describe their pain as originating in their "lower back or hip". The true hip joints are located in a different location than the sacroiliac joints, however, pain may radiate out from the SI joints to the sides of the body towards the hips, causing confusion about where the pain is actually originating.

Common features of SI joint pain include:

  • Pain on one or both sides over the pelvic joints and into the buttocks
  • Pain in the buttock, back of the leg, front of the thigh or deep in the groin
  • Pain is often noticed after lifting or twisting or can develop gradually or suddenly
  • Pain is worse when sitting and aggravated by forward bending or lifting one leg
  • Increased weight bearing such as standing on one leg often increases the pain
  • Lying down may ease the pain; although rolling over is often described as an aggravating factor

Chiropractic adjustments directed at the SI joints are very effective in restoring normal motion in the joints; relaxing the muscles and surrounding ligaments and significantly reducing both lower back and hip pain.

Functional Dry Needling (FDN) and Shockwave Therapy (SWT) are both effective treatments for hip pain caused by soft tissue disorders. Hip bursitis, tendinitis, Iliotibial Band Syndrome are all effectively treated with both FDN and SWT.

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